Monthly Archives: January 2017

Puzzle set: Classic Sudokus, 2017 East Asia Sudoku Championship

Last Sunday, South Korea hosted the Asian Sudoku Championship in Seoul, which included a set of classic Sudokus that I wrote.

These originally came out of practicing my Sudoku construction skills by writing a puzzle a day for a long week early last year. It’s still a hit-or-miss process for me, but I think there were some nice ones. Solve on PZV (a b c d e f g h i) or find the set below.

In other news, don’t forget to take part in Puzzle Ramayan at LMI this weekend: A set of easyish classics and region puzzles that I prepared, including some instructionless variants.

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Puzzles 145, 146: Masyu

Towards the end of last year Grant Fikes ran a puzzle construction contest on his blog: instructions, results. With the aid of, I managed to defend the title from the previous Logicsmith Exhibition, tied by score with Nikola Zivanovic.

The objective was to construct a 10×10 Masyu puzzle that leaves over a battle ship fleet of empty cells while minimizing the number of clues. That turned out to be quite a fun challenge, and led to some rather nice puzzles, which I didn’t quite expect. I was a bit worried the contest would be won by optimal computer-generated submissions, but it seems no one went to that effort. Instead, I’m left curious as to how close to the optimimum we got with 8+7 clues.

Here are my two submissions (rules).masyu-logicsmith-2(solve on

masyu-logicsmith-4(solve on