Monthly Archives: January 2020

Puzzle 195: Terra X

Here’s a puzzle from my preparation for WPC 2019 that I don’t believe I’ve posted yet. It’s also sort of a practice puzzle for the upcoming first round of the 2020 Puzzle GP, which features the variant Terra XX.

Rules Place numbers in the empty cells, from the range 0-9. Same numbers can’t be adjacent (but may touch by a corner). Wherever four cells meet at a vertex (marked by a black dot), the sum of the numbers in those cells must be 10.

Puzzle 194: Double Choco

Here’s another Double Choco, probably of similar difficulty to the New Year’s puzzle. I made this one as a “secret solver” present to a user going by the handle “taus” on the Puzzler’s Club chat; the layout is based off their avatar. (There’s a second partial attempt at theming this puzzle that’s a bit less in-your-face.)
